Taking time to recharge from this semester, is a much-needed break. As always, I encourage you to make the most of your break; read a book, volunteer with a local charity/doctor's office, take up a new hobby or reflect on new ways that you can hit the ground running once you return for the spring semester!
Here is some advice by classification:
Freshmen/Sophomores: Look for opportunities to shadow during the Christmas season. Begin right now! Regardless of your pre-health path, shadowing and volunteering over vacation breaks are excellent ways to gradually accumulate observation hours. Consider how you want your summer 2023 involvement to look and establish a strategy.
Juniors: Examine your resumes and jot down your thoughts on each experience. Begin brainstorming topics for your personal statement. Make a mental note to meet with a prehealth advisor in the spring. This is a significant year!
Seniors: Are you currently in the application process? Been accepted? Are you still waiting to hear? Taking a year off? Send an update to your prehealth advisor. They are there to assist you in finalizing your arrangements. ALSO, BE SURE TO APPLY FOR GRADUATION! Best of luck with your final examinations. I wish you a joyful and safe winter break.
Quick Tips
Preparing for the MCAT exam? Check out the AAMC’s Six-Step Guide to Create a Study Plan at https://offers.aamc.org/mcat-study.
Seeking a summer internship? Visit https://students-residents.aamc.org/phd-biomedical-science/summer-undergraduate-research-programs to view AAMC’s list of summer programs for undergraduates interested in medical research.