With finals approaching, I wanted to provide some useful information that I believe would benefit many of us. Studying is difficult, but it is necessary. Because achieving your goals and going where you want in life demands discipline. And pushing yourself to study rather than binge-watch Sistas.
Studying is crucial not only for intellectual growth but also for personal development. Good study skills may boost your self-esteem and confidence. I know I feel a lot more secure knowing that I have studied for an exam rather than waiting until the last minute. It also helps with stress reduction. I listed down below some study techniques that work and I’ve tried them myself.
Active recall
Read a topic
Close your eyes and recall everything you read
Repeat until successfully memorized
Pomodoro Technique
Study for 25 minutes
5-minute break
Every 4 sets take a longer break of 15- 30 min
Helps with keeping track of time
YouTube link: https://youtu.be/1znjHDiqBk8
Feynman Technique
Choose a concept you want to learn or study
Teach. Once you've completely covered the topic, it's time to explain it to someone
Reflect, Refine, and Simplify so basically here you’ll want to go back to studying, but with an intense focus on your weak areas. The goal is to remove these weaknesses and turn them into areas of strength.
Organize and Review
“If you can’t explain it to a six-year-old, you don’t understand it yourself.”
– Albert Einstein
Exam past paper (Best Technique)
Attempt to look at a mock exam
Check for wrong answers
Go over correct answers and fully understand how they solve the problem
This forces your brain to understand the topic